Host, Audio Engineer, Composer, Writer,
Game Master
I cut my roleplaying teeth at ten years old playing “All Flesh Must Be Eaten” using rock paper scissors instead of dice. I’d like to say my tastes have developed but that was probably the pinnacle of gaming for me. Since then I’ve gotten my B.M in Film Scoring and I lend that audio expertise to recording and editing the show. Then I used the rest of my bio to draw this shark: <*((((><
You can see more of my work on my website.
lvl. 3 rogue
Co-Host, Webmaster, Writer
aka DJ Rat Swarm started her career in tabletop gaming in high school, playing as a series of writhing, yipping Kobolds in Dungeons and Dragons. She is an advocate of creative play and its power to strengthen communities. Amelia uses her experience facilitating games and her education in performance art to promote the accessibility of role playing as an introspective, creative, and political outlet.
Some of her favorite things are artichokes, wet sounds, and her cat, Steve Buscemi.
Writer, Editor, Web Design
I started playing Dungeons and Dragons as a preteen. When I mentioned it to my dad he gave me his AD&D books and his leather dice belt pouch. D&D is still a priority in my life, but I’ve branched out to small one-shot game systems as well as the GM-less storygames that I fell in love with thanks to the Phoenix Comics & Games community in Seattle. As a writer, I see collaborative storytelling as a way to explore the topics that make you curious and make you ask questions. It is also a joy to explore the creative worlds of my friends minds, which inspires me to be more creative myself.
Party Healer
​Josh started playing Dungeons and Dragons at the age of 8. At his elementary school he started a D&D club after school. He played/ran many games until he was 20 or so. He took a long break from table-top role playing games and has just recently come back to the scene. Most of the time he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. He also really enjoys talking in the third person.