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Teen Sleuths All Access Pass

As promised, here is a png of the rules for Teen Sleuths, the game we played in Episode 6: Weekend at Johnny’s. Teen Sleuths was written by Critical Hits’ very own Soren (aka DJ Owlbear) and Rachel (aka my dude).

Games that are re-skins or modifications on an existing system are called “hacks.” Teen Sleuths is a Lasers and Feelings hack. It is based on a system created by John Harper. It also makes use of a mechanic found in a game called Panty Explosion by Jake Richmond (a 94-page RPG in which you play as psychic Japanese school girls).

If you are seeking feedback on your own game or game hack, or would like to give us feedback on ours, you can email us.


Art from the comic book Goldie Vance by Hope Larson and Brittney Williams.

(original post 10/24/17)


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